quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2016

Everything you need about Negan

     In terms of striking characters of the story in The Walking Dead comics who entered the collective unconscious before you even get to the television, the villains are in clear advantage. The look of the Governor with his eyepatch is, of course, virtually unforgettable, but perhaps the figure that more has caused commotion and has made a permanent mark on those who follow this phenomenon is Negan, the leader of the Saviours and the owner of Lucille , a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire as he uses his favorite weapon.

The magic of present cruel and ruthless people on The Walking Dead works because it reminds us of how tenuous, and at the same time how permanent is the line that separates the antiheroes that follow as protagonists of the story, Rick and his group of survivors , these villains they face. No matter how vulgar and contemptible Negan is, he and Rick are not complete opposites - are little things that separate them, and observe it is to remember how important certain small things can be.

From here, let's look a little bit of Negan story in the comic The Walking Dead, be aware of spoilers ahead...

     Of course, the first appearance of the villain in the comics is one of the most legendary moments of all The Walking Dead publishing history since 2003. Capturing Rick, Carl, Glenn, Maggie, Sophia, Michonne and Heath, Negan and his group of survivors called rescuers trying to take control of Alexandria, the security zone in which our protagonists were housed. Despite Rick resistance, Negan test their strength to randomly pick one to run using Lucille - and unluckiest of time is Glenn, actor Steven Yeun's character in the series.

     According to Yeun himself: "The arrival of Negan for me is spectacular. We've been waiting for this one for a long time, and in the comics it is a way of raising the risks for survivors in a way that has not happened before. So for me, introduce Negan the series is simply spectacular. " If Yeun and your character will survive the first encounter with the villain still we have to wait and see, as the series has taken different paths of comics in relation to character deaths before.

     More intriguing that this first appearance of the character, which will be played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Watchmen Comedian) in the series, is all that following its introduction in post-apocalyptic universe of Washington, DC. As we better know the community of Saviors, Negan our vision begins to be shaped - he reigns as absolute on its nearly 50 men who has a harem of several ex-wives and their girlfriends, all serving as sexual partners for Negan. At the same time, this sexual aggression finds a counterpoint in one of the fundamental rules Negan imposes Saviors: "We do not estupramos".

     The full language Negan of profanity is another well-known aspect of the character, but it is interesting to note that despite the intractable and despicable personality, his outbursts of violence happen only when he feels he has something to gain from this violence. In a way, Negan is even more frightening for being a monster without pity that only works when you know you can use your lack of awareness to gain advantage. If the Governor had aspects of petulance of a true psychopath, Negan has much more than that.

     No wonder that, in the comics, the villain is defeated, after a more than busy war with all other communities of Washington DC, for a speech by Rick, who resurfaces after Negan think he was dead and convinces leader of the Saviors of their leadership methods have never been as altruistic as he thought they were. It seems anti-climatic and maudlin end, but Rick obviously cuts Negan throat so the low villain to guard - the blow does not kill, but Rick keeps you stuck in your basement as a reminder of his own humanity when compared to the Negan.

     In a way, the journey of Negan in the comic book series is to show and emphasize the moral line that The Walking Dead always draws so diffusely. With critics complaining that the series left behind this moral line and this discussion about violence and survival, the sixth season and those that will come after the introduction of Negan can bring back one aspect that has always been central to the post-apocalyptic history of production .

Who Negan Killed? He Killed Glenn

     You're probably wondering, who Negan killed? That's a question that haunts our minds since the end of season 6, well actually that answer already exists in the comic book. In the printed version of The Walking Dead to Negan the victim is Glenn.
      But as we know, the show does not follow exactly what was written in the comics, there are several differences, characters with different timelines, and adjustments to the facts, not being the show a faithful copy of what happens in comics.
     The death of Glenn by Negan can still happen, last season Glenn actually came very close to death (Nicholas), let's see if he was chosen by the show's production team.
      There are several other hunches, then in the next post I will talk a little more what are the candidates to be killed by Negan.

The Right Moment...

...That Negan...

Killed Glenn...

quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2016

More About Rick Grimes


Let´s talk about Rick Grimes:
     His trademark is his gun, a Colt Python, which was seen in almost every episode.
     In the episode "Hounded", Rick mentioned that killed four people, indicating that he had never killed anyone before the apocalypse, while still a policeman.


     In a play on Shane, Rick confesses that had few girlfriends in high school.
     Rick said his blood type is A +.
     "Walk With Me" is the first episode of the TV series that Rick does not appear once. However, it is mentioned by Merle in a conversation with Andrea.
     Rick caused the amputation of two characters members: Merle (to have him handcuffed to the roof of a building in Atlanta and left behind, forcing him to amputate his own hand to escape) and Hershel (to cut off your leg prevent infection after being bitten by a zombie).
     Rick is the first character in the series to directly kill a living person (Dave) after the apocalypse. Shane was the first character, of all people, causing the death of a living character (Otis).
     The death of Lori made him crazy for a while.
     In the TV series, or Rick is the same age that has in the comics or is much older than his comic version. You must be over 33, while in HQ it has 31.
     Rick is one of only two characters to appear in a promotional poster of any season, the other is Carl, his son.
     He was the first one to have a confirmation que all the people in the world are infected.

terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2016

Rick Grimes

     Since the begin of the show he is the one who leads the other through the jungle of dead, in the beggining he was a cop in a small town, since the world turned into a giant graveyard, Rick keep his group alive, well not all of them, he killed his best friend and lost his wife when Judith was born,  He´s Carl´s father.  

      Rick is the leader, he was a fairy man but after everything he lived nowdays he can´t trust strangers, sometimes he became real violent but never in a evil away, except if he needs to protect his family.

    Transitioning to the more peaceful world of Alexandria has been challenging. To Rick, none of the Alexandrian´s know what it takes to survive in this new world. Sadly, if you have something worth protecting, trouble always finds a way of getting in.

domingo, 10 de julho de 2016

The Walking Dead Season 7 : First information from two new characters


The 7th season of The Walking Dead is about to start killing one of the characters. But while someone say goodbye to the show, others are presented. In addition to the characters that will be adapted from the original story in the comics, like Ezekiel, we will also have more exclusive survivors to adapt. And according to a TVLine site informant, already we have the name and profile of two new survivors: Naomi and Jennie.

The episode 6 will introduce two new characters that does not look like anyone in the comics.
Naomi does the "granny style", that after losing so many loved ones, is willing to do anything to need not bury anyone else.

Jennie is a teenager optimistic medium that looks much like a Beth 2.0. Gentle, but with a good luggage in the world.

With only this information, there is not much that can be speculated upon these new characters. Maybe Naomi is a replacement for Denise? That if we consider these new survivors as residents of Alexandria. They could also be one of the other communities - Hilltop, or United Savers. The 7th season of The Walking Dead will premiere at October 2016